Reproduciblility toolkit

R + RStudio

Why R?

  • Programming language for data analysis
  • Free!
  • Open source
  • Widely used and supported across all disciplines
  • Can be used on Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux

Why not language X?

  • There are a number of other great programming tools out there that can also be used to improve the reproducibility of your analysis

  • The key is to use some type of language that will allow you to automate and document your analysis

  • Once you master one language you'll probably find it easier to learn another

Once in R

You could just type into the command prompt…

  • … but that doesn't help much with documentation

  • … but that doesn't help much with automation

A better solution

With RStudio you can combine your programming and your documentation

  • RStudio gives you a single environment to combine your documentation and your analysis
  • It runs on top of R
  • Gives you a bunch of really cool features that we'll explore throughout the workshop

Anatomy of RStudio

  • Left: Console
    • Text on top at launch: version of R that you’re running
    • Below that is the prompt
  • Upper right: Workspace and command history
  • Lower right: Plots, access to files, help, packages, data viewer

R Packages

  • Packages are the fundamental units of reproducible R code. They include reusable R functions, the documentation that describes how to use them, and (often) sample data. (From:

  • We will use the ggplot2 package for plots and dplyr for data wrangling in this session.

  • If you have not yet done so, install these packages by running the following in the Console:

  • This is just one way of installing a package, there is also a GUI approach in the Packages pane


Goals of the demo

  • Demonstrate "good practice" for organizing data files and analysis documents (R Markdown)
  • How to read data from a file
  • How to manipulate the data, and document it in a reproducible way
    • How easy it would be to revert any changes if need be
  • How to subset data
  • How to make simple plots in ggplot

NOT about understanding all the R commands, but rather getting the big picture of how using R in this way facilitates reproducible analyses

R Markdown demo

  • Open intro-template.Rmd

  • Click on Knit HTML to compile the document

  • Important features:
    • YAML on top
    • Code in chunks
    • R Markdown syntax
      • Human readable!
      • Limited, so not too time consuming to master
    • Self contained workspace

Extending the analysis

Great news!? You just received some more data, in bits and pieces of course:

  • gapminder-7080.csv
  • gapminder-90plus.csv

Add the data from 1970s and 1980s and 1990s plus, and recreate the same plots as before.

Take aways

  • The analysis is self-documenting
  • It's easy to extend or refine analyses by copying and modifying code blocks
  • The results of the analysis can be disseminated by sending R Markdown and providing data sources, or just simply providing the generated HTML of just a summary of the analysis is needed

Reproducibility checklist

Reproducibility checklist

  • Serves as a tool to help you think about the reproducibility of your data analysis.
  • Many of the questions can be thought of as having a yes/no answer.
  • A better approach would be to see the questions as being open ended with the real question being, "What can I do to improve the status of my project on this bullet point?"
  • With that in mind, you'll never get 100% of the bullets right for your project, but you'll always be improving.

Coffee break

Coffee break

Put a sticky on your laptop
for help with software set up